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Date Posted: 19:56:48 05/03/03 Sat
Author: Starlight/Riley
Subject: Hm..
In reply to: . d0g . . s0ldiers . 's message, "OOC:" on 19:40:44 05/03/03 Sat

Golden hued mare sees the recognition within the older fem.'s orbs. Smile alights upon her lips dial is dipped slightly once more. Good to see you again. I do hope that we can get out of all the red tape. She smiled using one of her players favorite sayings.

Garg! Well tis true that they are inactive I suppose but that means that True Evil could have stopped it. As well as Deepest Desire who is active. The rules do state if there are not enough filled position True Evil may discontinue the sneak. Therefore I believe that it is still valid.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Well -- . d0g . . s0ldiers ., 20:19:13 05/03/03 Sat

And also, True Evil is int he middle of a challenge with Big Brother. Also, as her captor I believe that he should be able to stop it. It's been done before.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Feeling awfully bad. -- Dy & Deepest Desire, 21:03:43 05/03/03 Sat

Hm...I had thought that the captor could stop a sneak, but then again, the last time I visited the sneak board was probably close to two years ago [took me ten seconds to figure out where it was...] Dog Soldier - I'm sorry for not being a very good Lead and checking the Sneak Board more often. DOL - I think you're free to go ... depends on your version of the rules though. I know it doesn't say anything at the SB about captors stopping sneaks, but as DS, I'm sure it's been done before.

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