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Date Posted: 22:34:52 05/20/03 Tue
Author: Black Bird
Subject: Wings of the Messenger [Deepest Desire]

The bird crys out.
The sun has set,
The blue moon has risen.
It is time to come,
It is time to dance.

The castle waits you,
The party awaits you.
For the lead of power
you have been invited.

Lord Øthoe invites you,
Lord Øthoe awaits you.
Come, come,
To the Blue Moon Ball.

You are formally invited to the Castle Skotia-Thane for the Blue Moon dinner party. This is for the leads of territories only or a selected person to come in the lead's place. You may bring a guest. The party will start 6.1.03 AD and will end 6.7.03 AD. After the dinner the Ball will officially begin and all are invited to come. Please reply to this message if you are going to come.


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[> you stink -- Fleur, 19:07:23 05/21/03 Wed

The haughty buckskin hears the messenger's words, and tosses her well-shaped crown imperatively. "That hurts, right here," She gestures vaguely to her chest with a darkened muzzle, "I'm feeling very disincluded. Oh well... Deepest Desire, perchance I may steal to the private dinner with you? I have excellent manners," She coos, batting her eyelashes favorably at the lead.

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[> [> Don't kill the messanger -- Black Bird, 19:52:48 05/21/03 Wed

Circling lower and caws a laugh at the horse. You are invited to the ball after the dinner, my friend. It flys around some more waiting for the leads answer.

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[> [> [> if I could fly I'd kill that squirrel -- Fleur, 14:13:16 05/22/03 Thu

"Aw, a ball's no fun at all if I can't go on a stomach full of fine dining. Please let me go, pretend I'm a lead, or one of 'special importance'. I've got excellent manners," She responds to the annoying bird-brain with a display of good manners. Extending a forleg she lowers her head in a bow so low that her muzzle touches the ground. "Good day, m'lord Featherhead. So, can I get an invite?" She says, rising with a small stumble in the muddy grass to her feet. She stomps a raven hoof, matching tail lashing at buckskin sides.

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[> [> [> [> Re: if I could fly I'd kill that squirrel -- Retyuo, 20:02:35 05/22/03 Thu

It changes into its true shape. An odd looking creature called a changling I'm sure it can be arrange if your lead doesn't want to come or answer my master's message. It smiles at the horse. She likes it attitude.

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[> Decisions, decisions -- Deepest Desire, 23:46:54 05/22/03 Thu

"I really don't see why not." The mares says softly with a faint smile that didn't seem to hold any importance anyway. She nods slightly. "Fleur, you may go as the representative. Do behave yourself, as I'm sure you will."

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[> [> goody goody -- Fleur, 12:40:30 05/23/03 Fri

She smiles triumphantly and kicks up her heels. "Oh Desire I won't let you down, you can count on me," she says with an exuberant but devious grin. Then her eyes scan the territory for any random bachelors pondering who she should con into going with her.

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[> [> [> Dog Soldiers -- Daughter of Light, 18:51:01 05/23/03 Fri

Because the dancing damsel was a lead herself, she knew that the invitation had been extended to her as well. Clearing her throat, she sought out the gaze of her captor. "Dog Soldiers?" the query came. "Do I have your permission to attend this foray?"

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[> [> [> [> Looks -- Retyuo, 20:10:12 05/23/03 Fri

Smiling at the horse. Good, I will see you there.

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[> [> [> [> . i'M . . hErE . -- . d0g . . s0ldiers ., 21:12:04 05/23/03 Fri

He thought deeply about the situation, and the question that the palamino had asked him.

You have my permission to go, but once it is over return to me.

He stands tall, waiting for her reply.
I am a warrior, a blood thirsty beast by the name of Dog Soldiers. My curse is one only identified as Boar. My designated scars lay upon this bloody hide of Mahogan. My existence is only seen within the expanse of No Where. The section of my dwelling may be seen within the Dark Lands. Let my up most devotion go to the one by the calling of No One. Let these gremlins pay more respect to me than themselves, None.

[© text, image, ect all copyright 2003 to skullz (lauren)]

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[> [> [> [> [> how kind of you. how about I be the winged flesh-eating attack horse and YOU can be the squirrel. -- Fleur, 09:11:41 05/24/03 Sat

She turns her head, snorting sharply at the stallion. Fleur is unimpressed, she told herself, and holding her head high she prances off the make ready for the party.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Returns -- Black Bird, 11:34:56 05/24/03 Sat

It turns back into a bird and flies away.

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