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may break my bones aimed with angry art words can sting like anything ▫♥▫¦but silence breaks the heart¦▫♥▫
*nods, and snorts in an amused tone* "yeah, sure. Me the socail butterfly. I don't quite see it happeneing. Maybe I will go to the ball. I've never been to one before. What about you?" Palillos y Piedras |
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may break my bones aimed with angry art words can sting like anything ▫♥▫¦but silence breaks the heart¦▫♥▫
*sighs lightheartedly* "I guess I should become more socail. My life deserves to be more fun." Palillos y Piedras |
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aw you deserve the moon. i'll get some handsome brute to lasso it for ya -- Fleur, 19:55:24 05/31/03 Sat
The cynnical mare chuckles. "See, you'd do good in a crowd, you've got humour," She says before straightening her face once more into somber... silence? No, chatter. "So, how's life?"
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~^~sticks and stones~^~ -- Negra, 20:04:39 05/31/03 Sat
may break my bones aimed with angry art words can sting like anything ▫♥▫¦but silence breaks the heart¦▫♥▫
*chuckles softly* "Gee, thanks for the offer." *then sighs, falling into the more serious manner* "Life is better than it has been. What 'bout you?"" Palillos y Piedras |
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