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Date Posted: 03:25:19 06/02/03 Mon
Author: Deepest Desire
Subject: Hm...successful?
In reply to: Steel Dream 's message, "My always-love, you are free" on 05:54:31 06/01/03 Sun

The mare tilts her head at the news, not having paid much attention to the stallion at his arrival. So the sneak had been successful, true. She had tried her best and this was not the time to be drowning in her own self-pity anyway. She moves to Steel Dream, halting a few metres away and dipping her head in a small welcome to the King. It wasn't out of disrespect, but she had never been one to make flowery greetings anyway.

[i'm tired. i'm always tired. meh]

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[> [> Graciousness does not go unrecognized -- Steel Dream, 14:04:55 06/02/03 Mon

The powerfully-built stallion bows his own head in a greeting to the mare, lead mare of this land and matriarch of the domain where his mate has been captive. It is clear from his strong, warm amber gaze that he is appreciative of the fact that she, unlike some other Evils he has had the misfortune to encounter, is gracious even in what could be termed a defeat. In return the Welsh Cob refrains from any behavior that may be interpreted as gloating; he is merely happy that his love is free, one way or another.

After this moment's thoughtful contemplation of Deepest Desire, the chestnut's attention flicks back to the beautiful, ageless golden mare. "Shall we go?" he inquires softly.

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[> [> [> A'last, my heart is free as well -- Daughter of Light, 20:25:33 06/02/03 Mon

Eyes aged with wisdom watch with wonder as her love enters the territory, stocky muscles glistening with the effort, the effort made for her. Joy filling her, the delighted damsel canters swiftly to his side, pressing her plush nose against his chiseled neck. "Thank you, Steel," she says appreciatively, eager to return home. "Yes, let us depart. Thank you, Deepest Desire, for your polite tolerance." Again enamored with her King, she hardly casts a glance in Dog Soldier's direction--after all, how was she to know that his heart was turning to her?

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[> [> [> [> Our hearts, together -- Steel Dream, 04:59:46 06/03/03 Tue

His warm breath escapes in a whuffle against her neck, taking in the long-missed scent of her before he turns with a final nod of acknowledgement towards Deepest Desire, his stocky limbs propelling him into a swift two-beat gait.

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