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Consider -- Deepest Desire, 00:00:49 07/06/03 Sun
She almost laughed aloud. It had been a while since a request like this.
"Sure. Is back-up all right for you?"
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-Nods- -- Chase, 15:59:37 07/06/03 Sun
A smirk appeared on his face, and a small glint was in his eye. He was older now then he had been before with the last inccident but he knew this time would be different.
"That will be good."
A small silence occured as he was deep in thought.
"I didn't expect you to just hand over a position like that. I'm surprised and almost amazed. I know that I wouldn't have done the same thing were I in your situation. You have my thanks and I owe you in the future, make that the soon future."
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Amused. -- Deepest Desire, 19:51:08 07/06/03 Sun
She smiled, amused and paused in thought before replying. "Well, it doesn't take a genius to see that there aren't many who reside here. Maybe activity would pick up after encouragement and merits?"
"Or maybe I'm just going senile and losing my connection of the real world. Feel free to exploit my weakness."
The last comment is said with a sardonic grin. She honestly didn't know what had made her agree to the request so readily, but could see no reason to go back on it. Besides, it was always more fun to do spontaneous things.
Dear Lord, Desire, are you being fun? My, my, how you have changed. She thought.
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-Snicker- -- Chase, 14:00:21 07/07/03 Mon
A small amount of laughter is let out at her comment. Old age was already creeping up on him and he was glad that he wasn't the only one.
"I don't believe we have been formally introduced yet, my name's Chase, once lead stallion of Forest of Shadows but not anymore."
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Formal -- Deepest Desire, 21:51:01 07/09/03 Wed
"Deepest Desire, pleased to meet you, Chase." She replies smoothely with a genuine smile.
"If I may ask, what happened to Forest Of Shadows?"
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-Story- -- Chase, 19:00:11 07/13/03 Sun
A long sigh is let out. The history of the terrain was a long story in itself.
"I used to be the lead there. The place was thriving and the most active evil tt there was. But an incident occured and my back-up Haunted became the lead stallion while I was given the title of Zunkoid. Activity stayed high for a while but Haunted wasn't very active himself. The more he would disappear the less active it became until it was a wasteland. My mate disappeared, and so did the rest of my family except for my one daughter Pavel. Even she now is gone. Soon after there was no one there and so it got deleted. That is what brings me here now."
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Give -- Deepest Desire, 19:01:25 07/16/03 Wed
She gives a single understanding nod. "You have gone through a lot, Chase, and endured through much. For that you must be congratulated." She says in a low voice.
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-Side- -- Chase, 19:12:03 07/19/03 Sat
The steed was grateful for this, it had been the first time he was congradulated on anything he had done. A small smile showed through displaying a pearly grin. A change in subject was needed, there was some information he wished to obtain from this mare.
"Thanks. But tell, if there were a new king that pushed Ziraga out would you support them or Ziraga?"
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Times -- Deepest Desire, 23:07:36 07/20/03 Sun
She chuckled. many times she had thought about this and each time the answer was different, depending on her mood.
"Depends on who this new King was, of course."
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-New Generation- -- Chase, 16:40:47 07/21/03 Mon
His face went to a more serious expression but the calm state was still keep in his voice.
"What if this new king was me? I guess you could say that I could have the current king all tied up at the moment."
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