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may break my bones aimed with angry art words can sting like anything ▫♥▫¦but silence breaks the heart¦▫♥▫
*lays down in the shadows, rolling in the dirt to soothe an itch. She looks around, wondering if there was anything to do. Rolling to an upright postion, she nibbles on some nearby grass*be Palillos y Piedras |
may break my bones aimed with angry art words can sting like anything ▫♥▫¦but silence breaks the heart¦▫♥▫
*sighs, getting up to her feet with a smooth, graceful movement. She stretches her legs by engaging in a brisk, elegant Spanish Walk. She breaks into a canter, jumoing over a felled tree and sliding to a halt, rearing up emitting a whinny to release some pent up energy* Palillos y Piedras |
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may break my bones aimed with angry art words can sting like anything ▫♥▫¦but silence breaks the heart¦▫♥▫
*sighs nodding her head slightly* "yep, bored outta my mind." Palillos y Piedras |
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Appeal -- Deepest Desire, 03:01:26 07/26/03 Sat
"Why not travel the world, meet some horses, find a mate?" She suggested, although the idea didn't appeal to her the same way it used to when she was younger. "Something to do, i suppose."
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~^~sticks and stones~^~ -- Negra, 16:45:32 07/26/03 Sat
may break my bones aimed with angry art words can sting like anything ▫♥▫¦but silence breaks the heart¦▫♥▫
*wnorts, shaking her head in a so-so way* "well, I've traveled some of the world already, I am from Spain and did 'parade' around Europe; I'm not much of a people person, I like solitary since it means I only have my own ass to worry about; and I despise the idea of needlessly tying myself down to another, besides the fact that most stallions are just errrg." *shakes her head, forelock flying into her eyes* "Thanks for the suggestion, but it doesn't sound as appealing. Maybe if I were younger and stupider..." *shrugs the best she can* Palillos y Piedras |
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Seem -- Deepest Desire, 16:04:42 08/01/03 Fri
She chuckles. "Doesn't everything seem more fun when we're younger? Doesn't the world act as though a giant adventure in our youth? Sometimes I'm not sure that I want maturity, if it means that the world is turned into grey."
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