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Date Posted: 19:37:05 11/28/02 Thu
Author: Fala

Slowly strides in,face reddedned from constant tears.She pushes glasses farther up on nose and speaks loudly,almost in a yell.Can a Proffesor help me please!I don't feel very well,and I think I might hurt myself!Please!Teeters back and forth,numerous tears falling down face.She falls to her knees sobbing heavily,her lungs ached from crying.Various bruises and scratches can be seen where she hurt herself.Her head dropped slightly,as she collasped into a heap on the floor.Various articles spew from her purse,various pills,poems about death,and a knife.Her breathing slowed,and nearly stopped as lungs prepare for her death that may come without help.Pulse quickens however,and although in a coma like state she sweats buckets,while she was trembling.Perhaps she was experiencing convuslions,whatever reason her glasses skid across the floor,and optics flutter open and closed.She lays almost dead on the floor,from an overdose of pills and alcohol.

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