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[ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] Date Posted: 15:18:19 01/22/03 Wed Author: TrinityLast Subject: Spuffy Challenge - WARNING! Spoilers for "Potential" In reply to: TrinityLast 's message, "The Challenge Thread" on 14:11:00 01/03/03 Fri SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE SPOILER SPACE Feeding off the OBVIOUS feelings we got.. *ahem* YAY! *ahem* ok, I'm good... Anyway, write an after "Potential" peice, a LONG one, I beg you!! The Slayers In Waiting are spying on Buffy, and she's being all cute and concerned about Spike. Another hands under the shirt bit, if you'll be so kind. Also, they should find out that Dawn IS also a potential...the cloud hit them both for a reason. I liked that. :p Use Willow's seer. Must haves: ~ Buffy and Spike back together secretly (as in, not in public), and the SIT's spying on them and witnessing a smutty scene that gives away NOTHING but the fact that they've been sleeping together a while. ~ Dawn and Willow knowing already and trying to keep the rest of them out of the room for Buffy and Spike....and Anya asking if they're "having sex again", oblivious to the SIT's and Xander. ~ At least three new watchers showing up, the way the SIT's are. ~ Giles explaining to the SIT's that yes, Buffy sleeps with vampires sometimes, but no, none of THEM should, and Dawn piping up with "This is one of those, 'don't try this at home' things." ~ Giles asking, with the SIT's eavsdropping, "What is it with you? First vampire looses his soul, second one earns one for you. I would really like to know what this...effect is. And if we can bottle it." ~ Angel calling for something, and Buffy and Spike getting into a fight over it (must come out that Angel's a vamp, and that she used to be with him), forgetting that the the SIT's are sitting right there. ~ Major shock factors! Go for it...and have Spike bite her during a smutty scene, please. One of the SIT's has to assume it's a vamp from a patrol until Spike kisses the mark, WHILE THEY'RE SPYING, not in front of them ~ Dawn staking a vamp on her first try, because of previous training, and Buffy saying that this was why she wasn't training with them to begin with...she's ahead of where they are. ~ Xander being used as Buffy's right-hand man on an actual patrol while Spike takes another area, and realizing that he might not be so 'normal' after all, when he realizes he's staked three vamps so far without even thinking about it....and then Giles asking him to train as a watcher. *g* At LEAST six of these (there are ten): ~ Willow killing a large demon with magic ~ Dawn killing all the Bringers that come for her, by herself ~ Giles calling Wesley in to help with the ever-growing crop of SIT's ~ Some female watcher showing up, not having been assigned a Slayer, to help, and being floored by Spike. (remember the one in CheckPoint who wrote her thesis on him? Something like that) ~ A new SIT coming on to Spike without knowing any of this ~ Xander knowing more about what they're doing than any of the new watchers ~ An A/X reconcilliation ~ Andrew being used as a 'test dummy' in the puffyXander suit for the SIT's training ~ Anya offhandedly mentioning that none of this really matters, because the Buffy and the Scoobs are immortal, so.... ~ Dawn seriously kicking ass with a sword and showing up all the new watchers and SIT's as a demonstration. Please, PLEASE tell me if you take this challenge? trinitylast@wambtac.com [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] Replies: |