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Date Posted: 08:10:48 04/22/04 Thu
Author: someone who understands
Subject: oily skin

I have oily skin and I have a simple way to keep it under control. I basically just use a bar of soap called Neutagena-oily skin formula and I use it everyday. I use it once a day when I take a shower. I think the more you use on your skin is the worst you can be doing exspecially if you have oily skin. When you have sensitive skin-oily skin you must be very gentle. I think the bar soap is much more inportant then the liguid soap that they offer. You should also be gentle when you are drying your face to-pat dry is inportant. I'm a guy so I probably use less then a woman might when having oily skin. I have just learned to be gentle and its been pretty good for me so far and I'm 29. I also use a medicine called erythamycin-benzamycen gel when I go to bed. It keeps the acne away and it also cools my face. The next morning my face feels refreshed and dry. I know later in the day it will get oily again but thats just the way it is with oily skin. You cant stop your skin from being the way that it is so just do what you can and deal with it. I think that this medicine I use is also in some strange way-a moisturiser to because I've been using this medicine for about ten years now and people tell me I look like I'm 20 and I'm 29. If you use this medicine and you have health insurance it will only cost you about ten or fifteen dollars and if you take care of it well and keep it in your fridge at a good tempature it should last about 3 months. Your supose to leave it in the fridge anyways-I didn't say that earlier. If you dont have health insurance it will cost you about 115.00. You need a prescription to get this medicine. IT WORKS WELL!!!

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[> Re: oily skin -- Just Me, 22:18:45 04/22/04 Thu [1]

Heya "someone who understands"

I occasionally use the Neutrogena Oil Free Wash and didn't realise that Neutrogena had a Cleansing Bar!!! Thx for sharing that!! I'll check it out :-)

Did a search for Topical Erythromycin and note that it's an antibiotic. The contraindications of use are on the website. The *regulars* on the board will know my personal view on antibiotics ie in that yes they do work; thou you pay the price for it after when eventually you come off ie in that your acne will worsen etc (mine did); and with antibiotics, your teeth (ie roots) become darkened which you'll note if you have your wisdom teeth out etc ... etc etc ... and for me personally if I know what I know now, I never would have taken antibiotics when I was a teenager and in my twenties cos when I stopped the acne came back worse (urrrgh)!! and you can't take it forever ... I was on tetracycline** for years; and then Dianette *** and when I stopped Dianette my skin which had been clear for years was oh so bad when I came off it and my periods were so irregular for a couple of years and I had to do a lot of internal cleansing and healing to *repair* my body with a homeopatist, kinesiologist etc and at the same time had to *put* up with the acne and skin condition while I was healing ... as eventually when you get older you want to heal your body and not surpress the acne etc ... you'll realise this when you're older (smiles) .... I'm 39 now ... older and wiser :-)

Thx for sharing!!!

Just Me

** Oh my gawd!! I just read that Tetracycline can cause blurred vision and hives - both of which I had during and when I stopped - argh!! Yunno the GP who prescribed it to me for all those years never told me any contraindications and just would get his pad out write a prescription.

***Geez, I just read the contraindications of using Dianette and none of these were advised by my General Practitioner when I took them for years; and I was so desperate I'd take anything and having clear skin was sooooooooo great! Geez, the internet wasn't around then - I sure wish it was!! I never had a check up or anything or was warned about any side effects. My advise to anyone out there is to not take it as it really isn't worth it especially if when you stop your skin condition gets worse ... though of course the decision is yours .... best wishes!!

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