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Date Posted: 09:51:53 04/17/04 Sat
Author: Just Me
Subject: Foods that Heal

Sometimes I wonder whether it's the *conditions* I have in my body that causes / contributes to my acne and I'm sure it is ... for instance I have had stomach problems most of my life and have been in and out of hospital trying to diagnose what's wrong. I had things from really bad constant stomach pains to acid in to somach etc that were 24/7 and wouldn't go away and the doctors at the hospital really couldn't explain it. Then I started getting allergies in my skin ie like red rashes / hives on body in my early twenties and again no one could figure out what caused it or how to heal it and I was in and out of hospital and it was worst when I was stressed (turns out now that I have food allergies!)

I recently found out through investigations on private health that I have Holmes Adie syndrome which affects the pupils of the eyes where the pupils don't dilate to light (one of them anyway) and the pupils have a problem focusing at times. Was told that I have had this since possibly a child and no one knows what causes it - could be a virus attack as a child; and it affects the neurological system in the body which could explain all the things that have been happening in my life; and I wonder too whether it contributes towards my stomach issues, skin issues and also facial acne issues. I'm sure it does.

There is no remedy for Holmes Adie Syndrome and it's not life threatening and they don't know too much about it even today in 2004. It's just relieving to finally know I'm not bonkers and why none of the doctors throughout the past 20 years have been able to figure out what was wrong with me!!

Though thankfully everything is under control and hopefully healed ie my stomach condition - I help that with my eating habits, homeopathy, lots of water - refer Foods That Heal; and my skin condition has also eased up because I life a holistic lifestyle (refer my email dated yesterday re Holistic Lifestyle | Supplements | Eating habits etc) healing mind, body and spirit.

For me personally I still feel that though modern medicine helps, ie antibiotics etc they only serves to surpress the acne condition as when you come off, it comes back with a vengence and your body takes longer to heal - ask any holistic practitioner eg reflexologist, reiki practitioner, oestopath etc ...

I have had one of those eye photos done where they take photos of your eyes and can diagnose what's wrong with your body; and I had one done last year and was advised to atke lots of LGlutamine, Flax Oil (both for skin) and also have a liver cleansing diet (ahhh, it's all coming back to me now (smiles) which I did last Christmas ie 2002 and it really helped kick start things for me throughout my whole body by having a full cleanse of the body.

I bought something through the net called Nature's Secret Ultimate Cleanse which are tablets you take for as long as it takes - 3 months or so and it really cleans you out! I do the cleanse once a year and/or when I feel like my body needs a detoxification.

So look after your body, mind and spirit and your skin will thank you for it! There are no quick fixes in life; yes perhaps antibiotics and modern medication, though remember that there is a price to pay for later; unless you're one of the *lucky* ones where acne is only a short term condition and not a life long one. Those derms that say it only last throughout your teens are probably people that have never had acne in their life!! The best *teachers* are those that have had the worst experiences!!

Take care
Just Me

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