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Date Posted: 20:16:38 04/17/04 Sat
Author: joe h.
Subject: Re: Holistic Lifestyle | Supplements | Eating habits etc
In reply to: Just Me 's message, "Holistic Lifestyle | Supplements | Eating habits etc" on 23:24:31 04/16/04 Fri

i saw your pic you posted and you dont look like you have acne scars at all.do you use make-up to hide them?anyways your a pretty cute girl and have a great figure.

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[> [> Re: Holistic Lifestyle | Supplements | Eating habits etc -- Just Me, 21:30:46 04/17/04 Sat

Thx Joe :-) Trust me, I do have acne scars and red facial marks like most of us that have suffered from acne; and yes make up helps to camouflage it. I guess there are different levels from minor, medium, average, to severe acne scars. Mine are on the surface like the scars you get from chicken pox I guess - don't know what the official term for it is; and I have uneven skin tone - depends on the time of the month as sometimes my skin looks *normal* and healthy and at other times when I'm stressed, it looks red and uneven toned; and oily. I have a deep scar on my nose from early teens (can't even remember it) and I don't think anything can fix that one!! Oh maybe the procedures the guys talk about on the scar board perhaps but cos it's on the side of my nose it doesn't bother me too much (unless I really look at it). I don't wear much make up and like to stay natural looking as I possibly can and yet help camouflage the uneven skin tone (don't we all hey (smiles) and I personally can tell where my acne scars are and can remember the nightmare of some of them vividly still and how long they lasted! Argh!

Rianne recommended to me Natura Bisse's Glyco Peeling and for me personally it has really helped with the facial redness and uneven skin tone. My mother is highly judgemental (argh) and even she has commented that my skin tone has improved tremendously the past year or so since using Natura Bisse skin products. The Natura Bisse products have a kind of bleaching effect on the skin and I'm not supposed to go outside without sun block especially after I've done a Gyco Peel session and I can do a peel twice a week for a couple of months. My skin had to build up to it though and I used the lower strength first. I read somewhere that the Glyco Peel has an effect on helping to reduce acne break outs as well (actually I saw that on a plastic surgery / facial rejuvenation programme on satellite tv). I'll post more on that in the appropriate conversation room at some later time in the next day or so

Remember the photo isn't a close up and I'm sure most of us here could pass off in a normal photo and look normal and if it was close up, the scars would be noticeable. Even Demi Moore has noticeable scars on a close up on the big screen :-)

It's taken a lot of hard work to get my skin to where it is today and it's a work in progress; and hard work, like exercising and trying to maintain a healthy body!

Take care
Just Me

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