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Date Posted: 23:04:36 04/16/04 Fri
Author: Just Me
Subject: Acne Scar Real Life Support Groups in London

Heya all,

There are some threads on this in the Acne Scar Treatments Room and this is a continuation ... I will try and post them here if I find time .... as those of you who post a lot know, this posting is time consuming (smiles) ....

I was originally inspired by Greg who started up the Washington Scar Support Group in Real Life to initiate a real life scar support group in London; though I've recently come to realise that I personally know nothing about scars; not as much as most of you anyway; and being a female, I feel a little *unsafe* starting up a group in real life as I've had some unsettling experiences in my time.

I'm more than happy to start something up; ie do the design of the place, the venue, the date though and happy to attend one or two meetings etc ... oh geez; now that I'm actually putting this into writing it feels like I'm letting a good thing slip through my hands .... (grins) .... and that I really should / could be doing it ....

Ok, I'm going to think about it and see what happens and will follow my instincts on what happens next.

If anyone else in England or anywhere over the world that reads in ie Singapore etc, do feel free to post and start up your Acne Scar Group in Real Life meetings here .... just spread the word !!! There are a lot of people out there!!

Greg's group has been going and growing from strength to strength and he started it way back in 2001!!! Way to go Greg!!!

More later!!

Those from Singapore, etc, come on, you can do it-lah!! Jangan takut-lah! (senyum)!! Menuliskan di sini dan jika awak *build it*, mereka akan datang (senyum!)!!! (Translation for those in English - "if you build it, they will come"!)

Be Happy
Just Me

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