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Date Posted: 21:51:46 05/01/04 Sat
Author: Just Me
Subject: Washington DC Real Life Scar Support Group Meeting Sun 2nd May @ 1pm

Heya, taking the liberty of posting Lydia's email reminder re tomorrow's Real Life Acne Scar Group meeting in Washington: Email Lydia to confirm your attendance; or I guess just turn up!

From: Lydia who's taken over from Greg re Washington DC Acne Scar Real Life Groups

Hi everyone!

Just a reminder, the

Washington DC real life Acne scar support group meeting

is this Sunday afternoon, 2nd May 2004 at

1pm at Clyde's in Tyson's Corner.

Please RSVP if you plan to attend, and I'll make the reservations.

I'll be there in the lobby, clutching Greg's green folder. Hope to see a lot of you there!


Washington Scar Group website

Washington DC Real Life Acne Scar Support Group

WEBSITE: http://www.geocities.com/grege20815/washdcacnescarsupportgrp.html


Anyone with scarring to any extent. We have all levels of severity.


: To *show & tell* each other about the various scar-revision stuff we've tried so we can help each other *separate the hope from the hype*. There's ALOT of hype out there and you can go broke real fast without much improvement to show for it.

*Before & After* pictures are nice, but seeing each other's real-life results in person, in 3D, goes 1 step better. The group is also for moral support of course. Repairing scars is usually a multi-procedural nightmare that requires tremendous guts, nerve, and an almost superhuman persistence. There is no 1-shot quick-fix for us (yet!). If there was there'd be no need for this support group.


Monthly on 1ST Sundays @ 1PM. Please RSVP via email to Lydia Preston at: Lydia.preston@att.net
before coming so we save you a seat. We meet in daylight so we can better see each others scars.


Clyde's Restaurant of Tysons Corner
8332 Leesburg Pike (Route 7)
Tysons Corner, VA 22182
Phone: (703) 734-1901
Fax: (703) 734-1280

DIRECTIONS: http://www.clydes.com/restaurants/cl-tysons-dir.html


If you're on time we'll be in the lobby, *hiding out in the dimly-lit* couch area (to your right as you enter). Just look for the person with the olive-green folder in hand -that's our *signal*. If you're running late, just ask the hostess to take you to the *Lydia* table.

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