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Druid & Blood Lust's Lair
Dark Moon Cave
You walk in to a hole in the side of a cliff. The smooth rock beneth your feet is cool, but welcoming. Suddenly, before you know it, you step in to a huge opening. Moon shaped lights line the room. Beams of light shine off the walls, and produce a bright, but soft light through out the room. A grand fire place sits on the side of the room, warming the stone cavern. Large heaps of feathered pillow are placed around the room. Four halls branch out off of the main room. One is not that deep, it it filled with toys and lights. You can tell it is the play room of Ebony Mirage, the child of the cave. Another hall way lead to a meeting hall / dinning room, with chairs and a large table. The other two halls lead to the bedrooms of the family. You feel it better not to go in to them. You turn around and look at the opening of the cave. The sun is going down, and the land is dark. You gaze upon the distant mountains and waters. Than a large dragon comes in to the cave. "Oh, hello! I am Druid, head dragon of this cave. If you are dark, you are welcome, but if you are light, you are not welcome here. If you stick around a while, you might meet my mate Blood Lust".

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Head Dragon DRUID Head Dragoness BLOOD LUST Children EBONY MIRAGE
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