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Date Posted: 09:20:24 01/24/03 Fri
Author: Roxy
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Subject: bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh....-.-;;;;

Ugh...so...so sleepy. dun wanna go to psych...dun wanna hear about rhetoric in english...dun wanna look at neolithic art in art history...blaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.......wanna stay hoooooooooooooooooooooooooome. ><

uck uck uck....i've gotta CLOSE tonight too, which sucks major donkey testicles. XP! So yeah...i'll be working from 7 to midnight....so i'll be on till 2ish till before 7 and...well...after midnight (we goin' let it all hang out! heh...sorry *^^*)......

i bet i could skip art history today and not miss much...after all, i've TAUGHT the bloody class before ¬.¬.......prehistoric art bores me to tears...i think i should skip until we hit gothic art......then it spices things up a little...HELL! I even stole the art history book from the school! i think it's retarded that i have to take this class XP! I should just transfer into photography...hrmmmmm...but then i'd have to wake up at 5am XP...no way XD!!!! that, and it's prolly already full.......boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. i am so hungry...i think i'll stop by little tokyo and get me some unagi and karerisu and miso soup :9 the restaurant itself is a damn hole in the wall but the food is tasty tasty tasty!!!!!! eep! but then i've gotta get ready in twenty minutes! O.O!!! so conflicted...so don't wanna get clothes on...so comfy in my big robe and comfy comfy down comforter. *is a blanket burrito*

what the hell is this crazy weather...two days ago, it was in the 80s, and now it's in the 30s...HOUSTON, YOU MUST MAKE UP YOUR MIND ABOUT WHAT WEATHER YOU'RE GONNA HAVE!!! *shakes fist at ungrateful city*

bah........and i gotta put gas in my car boooooooooooooo.................

*ambles off muttering about st00pid gas and st00pid traffic and st00pid smelly parking lot of d00m......*

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