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Date Posted: 18:27:36 01/26/03 Sun
Author: Prism
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Subject: Your starting to irk me, boy.
In reply to: Dinozore 's message, "Re: ><" on 18:10:04 01/26/03 Sun

Look, I know when you post, I read the dates, I know you posted as Sunrise once alst night, I also know you neglected to respond to Sonar as Sunrise earlier when you were online because you posted here, but Sonar's post still lacked a response from you. Obviously you reply to the OOC board first because there have been at least two recent occasions which you have posted here but not replied for wyntre. i even waited 10 minutes after you posted here and checked the boards again to see if maybe you were in the process of replying to wyntre after you had posted here, but a response didn't come ot her until hours later. I don't care if Roxy has forgotten Wyntre at least once because you have forgotten *all* of your characters at least once or jsut decided not to post as them, I'm not sure what the case was with fukuro, since normally your pretty good with him. I'm on here all the time, and I always check the posts, and you have no right to complain about Roxy's posting, because there is no need for her to try and meet your standards if you yourself can't keep them. I finding myself loosing more and more respect for you as you ask others to meet standards you yourself can't mee,t and try to make lame excuses about it, got that pal? Improve yourself, or stop whining, because I'm starting to get just a little sick of it.

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