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Date Posted: 14:38:27 01/27/03 Mon
Author: Roxy
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Subject: "Time for a little Ludwig van..."

More pictures! but.........i lost like HALF of the recent drawings i've done, so here are the three i could find >< !!!!!!!!!! i even lost the i'm too sexy pic! but we have clockwork orange to compensate, so i am happy ^^ anywho.........

Crazy Onyx - now, i wanted to give him kind of an 'alex from clockwork orange' kind of vibe (btw, if you haven't seen it, go out and rent it now....no, BUY IT...do it NOW!!!!!!!!!!! o.o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).......and i realized something....for all practical purposes, he IS an alex of sorts...so seeing that movie will really give you an insight to the bastard that is Onyx.....anywho.....i'ma color and photoshop this piccy, so it will be all purtyful....but i'm THRILLED with the lineart! and it only took me about an hour or so.......woot! i lurve delishus evil bishounen *.* what's that, delishusy Onyx? You want me to....do a strange, yet comical dance for you? *dances for the 2d rendering of crazy onyx * bwaha......oh! and the writing on the side is my english notes o.o.....you gotta look like you're working in college so yeah.................anywho.....

Omega in her Cloak - this picture ended up sucking a lot, but I'm happy with her face....so, tah dah!

Sailor Sonar - very VERY brief character sketch ^^

anywho............i'm looking fot he other ones........but the living room is a mess, and i'm VERY lazy o.o;;;;;;;;;

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