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Date Posted: 10:31:31 02/02/03 Sun
Author: Roxy
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Subject: *hides from work*

nnnuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!! I dun wanna goooooooo!!!!!!!!! *clings to Prism's leg* dun make me goooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! i'm too sleeeeeeeeeeeeeepy!!!!!! work is eeeeeeeevil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *clings to Dinozore's leg* *.*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ahem. work is teh suxx0r. i have to work with my manager today, and I hate him. i will be like 'don't talk to me or I will stab your eyes right out of your head *.*' with the spooky staring face.........

PRISM!!!! You need to tell your brother to quit hogging or unbreak the internet!!! We misssssssss youuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!! Well....I think Dinozore's just hungry and wants to eat you, but I miss youuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh! I could....maybe....send an electric shock via the compy to your bro if he's hogging the compie! Ya! I is a smart potato!!! ^^....oh, how i wish i had mind powers XD.....

well, i got five minutes to kill o.o.....and,,,......i suppose i could put Morpheus somewhere....or wake Graviton up and have her do stuff......yiissssssss....but Faustus is gonna be in the 'hospital' for a while (LMFAO!!!!!! I LURVE ADIN!!!!!!!!! XD!!!!!!!)....annnnnd....Jezebel's hanging around for Radiance to contact her....hmmm...this whole taking stock of where my characters are at is good! I'll make a list so I can know which ones I can fiddle with after work!!! ^^v!

Omega - sleeping in the bed -.- ZZZzzzZZZzzz
Onyx - in desperate need of RAID O_O!!!
Sailor Graviton - sleeping in the bed -- ....
Wyntre - in desperate need of an ecchi mallet ^.~v!
Jezebel - waiting for Radiance to call -.-
Dr. Faustus - needs a big band-aid for his boo boo >:(!!!
Dr. Morpheus - 500 channels?!?!?!!!! *dies* X_x...

i think that's all of them.........hmmmm.....must make more *.*.....i will write the descs up at work! lol....anything but work....ANYTHING...i hate it sooooooo much...if i don't make good tips today, i will shoot someone in the face with an AK7 (business the american way XD)

anywho.......now i must get ready to go visit Satan...in hell...at my work XP

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