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Date Posted: 12:57:46 02/08/03 Sat
Author: Roxy
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Subject: *sticks crazy straws up nose* *.*

well, work wasn't nearly as bad as I expected....we were HELLA slow. like...the slow motion of slow....so that was good ^^....i seriously had to make less than 20 drinks the entire night...but there was this one jerk who was the most asinine person on the planet...

i made his freaking latte, and when i was DONE, he says 'oh...i was going to go 'no foam' on this...yeeeeeeeaaaaaaah....and did you make a capp? cuz this feels like a capp...' and i was like 'no, it's a latte.' and to make it no foam, i would have had to steam like one more ouncxe of milk, so rather than do that, i just remade it and the asshole kept trying to talk to me the entire time >< !!! sheesh...it's not like i haven't been working there for almost a year...oh, but he must know much more about making drinks than me, seeing as HE DOESN'T MAKE THEM, BUT RATHER, ONLY DRINKS THEM!!! gawd...people are stupid...and the whole time i was remaking it, he was like 'oh, you're wonderful!'...but it was in that irritating asshole man tone of voice ¬.¬............

venting makes me smily ^^...but now, i have to work with jon tonight, and he has second degree burns on his hand and can't really do much, so it's gonna take FOREVER to close >< !!!!!! YUCKYNESS!!!!!!! so anywho...i go in at 5, and should be out at around midnightish or so.........just in case anyone's on......

it's been so quiet lately! *weep*

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