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Date Posted: 14:34:16 02/13/03 Thu
Author: Prism
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Subject: wonky e.E

Well, first off, I apologize for not posting since...I can't even remember what the last day I posted was ><; Damnit.

Anyway, the internet's been alittle wonky lately, but normally I could just sneak onto my dad's laptop late at night- but I've been so damned tired lately that I've been collapsing around 9. 9 flippin' o' clock!! I don't know why I've been so worn out lateley, and I can't even nap when I get home from school because I've got about a billion and a half musical practises >< I just failed a Soc. St. quiz today because I couldn't think today, my mind's been too woobley --; yeah.

So, I'm gonna be on tonight- I'm gonna try to get some nappage now, so that my posts don't wind up as wonky as those answers I put done on that quiz x.x though first, I must check email...lordy...

Oh yeah- the migrane came back in the middle of school today- the hell is with the sudden migrain attacks, huh? Never had one before in my life, whydo they plague me now, of all times? Crimity. *cuddles Roxy* make the world go away ><

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