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Date Posted: 14:58:58 03/04/03 Tue
Author: Roxy
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Subject: o.o;;;;;;;

uhmmmm...i've noticed something...The Plains is repeatedly crashing my computer...every frikkin time I click the link, out come the demons. o.O...so yeah...thought everyone should know. oh! annnnnnnd...where's Sunrise? Homocidal jell-o *is* chasing her, after all......and I haven't seen any posts by her in the lobby or anything.......o.O...did the homocidal jello eat her? o.O;;; yeah...i say if the plains is crashing your comp like it is mine, dinozore, you should just post as her in the lobby...because...seriously...the plains WILL NOT cooperate on my comp. o.O...oh! and it's getting late rp time, so i'm going to have wyntre go in for dinner...so post as fukuro! the power to post compels you!!!!! XD!!!!!!!! ahem......yesssssssssssss.

bah...i have to pay bills today...i must do it...cannot put it off any longer XP! i hate the freaking bills. XP!!!!!!!! but they're under 70 this month, so it's all good...i suppose...yay for me always sitting in the dark playing the PS2 XD.....though i think that lil bugger uses quite a bit of electricity o.O;;; who knows.

OH OH OH!!!!!!! Annnnnnnnd...I've decided what Faustus and Morpheus' first names are!

Okay...we have
Xenon Amadeus Morpheus
Fairfax Wolfgang Faustus

^^v! I am so funnnnnnnnnnnny ^^ heeeeeeeee anywho.....away i fly!!!!!

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