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Subject: Sale items

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Date Posted: 16:02:37 09/14/04 Tue

Is anyone else cleaning closets this time of year? I've been finding dance stuff all over the house. If anyone is looking for shoes, dresses, things like that, or has anything to sell, why not list it here!

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Subject Author Date
I have several pairs of shoes - boys soft shoes, girls soft shoes, one pair beginner (old style) hard shoes, one purple school dress. Sizes and price posted insideKathy08:22:45 09/15/04 Wed
More Sale itemsthese are from Ann Bruchanski22:07:40 09/16/04 Thu
more items for sale herefrom Mary McLaughlin11:22:34 09/18/04 Sat
Sarah's green school dress is for sale. Probably size 10. Only worn 3 times. Asking $400. (NT)Pat12:30:45 09/22/04 Wed
hey ive got lots of stuff... including dresses, shoes, wig, dance sneakers, a crown i wore once!!.. DRESSES! id be glad to sell (NT)Briana14:18:37 09/26/04 Sun
Size 131/2 soft shoes, and dress is for sale ( dress is at the studio) would fit a 6,7,8 year old. (NT)Candi07:21:54 09/27/04 Mon
Does anyone have a pair of size three hardshoes? Black or grey sole, Fays or any other kind? Or a pair of really stretched out 2.5? (NT)Kathy08:25:24 09/30/04 Thu
Re: Sale itemsJean Panciera17:39:58 10/01/04 Fri

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