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Subject: Hello from Staffordshire England!!!

Mary, Alan & Alanagh
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Date Posted: 17:36:32 02/28/04 Sat

Hi to everyone in the O'Keefe school. We are now five weeks in the UK and are beginning to settle in to life in England. Stone village, where we are living is approximately 45 minutes south of Manchester. We are surrounded by beautiful English countryside but I miss the shopping in the USA big time!!!!!! Thankyou to everyone that has sent us e-mails and my apologies for not replying but we only got our new computer last night. So WE ARE FINALLY BACK ON LINE and I promise I will be much better at answering emails from now.
Alanagh is getting so big and has lots of words. She keeps us very busy and loves her new music class here in Stone. She also started swimming class last week but we have no plans to start her dancing just yet!!!!!!!
Alan absolutely loves being back in clinical medicine and of course it is peak rugby season here at present so he is very happy now that he can watch ALL the six nation matches. He says hi to everyone.
Goodluck to everyone in the upcoming feieanna. Alanagh and I are going home this weekend for the Mayo Championships which should be fun. Well done to all of you who were at the All- Irelands and the very very best of luck to Sara, Maryclare, Erin, Ian and Emma at the worlds in Belfast in a few weeks. Hope you are all working very hard.
Miss all you guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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glad to hear you're back online and settled in so well! We miss you all too! (NT)Kathy and gang22:52:46 02/28/04 Sat

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