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Date Posted: 01:55:36 03/23/01 Fri
Author: Tripod Team
Subject: Tripod Account Restoration

Dear Tripod member:

Over the past weekend, Tripod experienced a technical problem with one of our automated
scripts. This error resulted in the removal of several legitimate member accounts. We
assure you that your site was not singled out for any personal reason, nor was it deleted
because of its subject matter. Bugs are indescriminate and target everyone equally, no
matter who they are or what they are passionate about.

We would like to take this opportunity to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused
you. We certainly understand how much time, effort and care goes into our members' sites, and
are working steadily to reverse the problem.

We have already begun the process of restoring Tripod accounts. We expect this to be complete
within the next 48 hours. You will receive a confirmation email once your site has been

If you emailed Tripod concerning another service or abuse issue, we ask that you resubmit this
request using one of the following addresses:
Abuse issue: abuse@tripod.com
General Questions: membership@tripod.com

Thank you for your patience in this matter. We are grateful for your loyalty to the Tripod
service and we value your membership.

The Tripod Team

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