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Date Posted: 14:39:44 05/15/01 Tue
Author: don
Subject: Story for investment banker

One day a fisherman returned to the shore with full boat of high value catch
the fish were glittering under the sun. He met an investment banker and
said - Well done, do you always did that, what is you plan? The fisherman
- I always have bonanza catch this few months and I did not have any plan.
usually after I sold all the catch by noon, I do not need to work
afterwards. I
am very happy now, playing guitar and playing with my son in the garden of
little sea-side cottage every day.

The i-banker said - No, You should use the sales proceed to buy three more
to catch more fish. The fisherman said - Then what.

You continue to buy more boats and catch more fish. Eventually you have more
than twenty boats and become the largest fishing company in this area - The
i-baker said. The fisherman said - So, then what. The i-banker said - Then
comes to the best part, your enterprise will go to IPO with my help to raise
more money. You will use the money raise from the IPO to expand into cannery
factory for your catch and then exports to the world. You make more money
then you will do more shares placements, you will become very rich.

The fisherman took a deep breath said - Wow, it sounds great, so what happen
next. The i-banker said - Then you can buy a sea-side cottage, and you do
need to work. You can then play guitar and play with your son every day.

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