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Subject: Re: Game Time

Big Game (Shame,Shame)
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Date Posted: 21:16:07 09/29/06 Fri
Author Host/IP: adsl-75-15-234-240.dsl.bkfd14.sbcglobal.net/
In reply to: Taydiez #2 's message, "Game Time" on 01:18:52 09/27/06 Wed

>that we are not going to just lay down and give these
>games away. For me fellas, I see that everyone has
>the heart and desire to want to be the best, but it
>doesn' t just take everyone's individual desire. It
>takes a TEAM DESIRE to win. I had a few fans and
>associates (AFL coaches) call me and tell me that they
>attended the last game and they couldn't believe how
>we had players off doing there own thing instead of
>being together as a team... They pointed out to me
>that instead of watching the game, what caught their
>attention was that we (PANTHERS) had team members who
>were off smoking, talking to the fans, not paying
>attention to the game, yelling at one another (instead
>of supporting one another) and a bunch of other
>negative aspects of our sideline... These are just a
>few things which we need to understand contributes to
>the Panthers Image. So I ask for everyone not to just
>talk with their mouth saying that I know, but to show
>it on the field and the sidelines that the Panthers
>can come together and take over this league... See
>everyone at practice on Thursday...

Oh no The Panthers are doing it again,Just when you hope they might grow up and play some ball...they do there thing...un-disablem little not carring Bitches...well let me retract that ..not all but just enough to hold this team down.....Hey guys wake up you got more talent than any team down there and all you can do is act up like that ..com on brothers...stop and look....and win for you and your families and your town...hate me if you like but...Big Game

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Re: Game TimeLONGMIRE21:33:14 09/29/06 Fri

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