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Subject: Correction on play-off game

Adam Sherrell
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Date Posted: 01:20:02 10/30/06 Mon
Author Host/IP: cpe-66-75-194-157.bak.res.rr.com/

In me earlier post I stated that we will be playing the Steelers in the first round, what I didn't know at the time is that the Steelers had to forfeit to the Dolphins. The Steelers were the home team and changed the game from 6:00pm to 3:00pm and did not call the refs. This means that we will be playing the Raiders this weekend. This is what all of you wanted, lets make it count. I know we have the talent.

This weekend we have to:
- avenge are loss to them in September
- earn the respect we deserve
- show them how it's done in Bako
- work as one
- shut them up for the rest of the year
- play to our Potential
- walk out of there with a "W"
- figure out whose A$$ we have to kick the next weekend

I am so proud of the way this season has went. We have a great bunch of guys.

We are trying to get a practice field for Wednesday and Thursday. I would like to have all that can make it to my house Friday to watch the film we have on them.

Adam Sherrell

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Subject Author Date
Re: Correction on play-off gameGary Stotler #9317:35:41 10/30/06 Mon

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