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Date Posted: 23:47:30 02/08/03 Sat
Author: Rock
Subject: Thanks Mys! [nt]
In reply to: Mystique 's message, "Re: special moves" on 23:33:14 02/08/03 Sat

>This is from Prima's AoS strategy guide:
>Necromancy mana cost for spells:
>Animate Dead: 23
>Blood Oath: 13
>Corpse Skin: 11
>Curse Weapon: 7
>Evil Omen: 11
>Horriffic Beast: 11
>Lich Form: 23
>Mind Rot: 17
>Pain Strike: 5
>Posin Strike: 17
>Strangle: 29
>Summon Familer: 17
>Vampiric Embrace: 23
>Vengeful Spirit: 41
>Wither: 23
>Wrath Form: 23
>Weapon special moves (Primary, Secondary):
>Axe: Crushing Blow, Dismount
>Bardiche: Paralyzing Blow, Dismount
>Battle Axe: Bleed Attack, Conclusion Blow
>Bladded Staff: Armor Ignore, Dismount
>Bone Harvester: para blow, mortal strike
>Broad Sword: Crushing Blow, armor ignore
>Butchers Knife: Infectious Stike, Disarm
>Cleaver: Bleed Attack, Infectious Strike
>Double Axe: Double Stike, World Wind Attack
>Executioers Axe: Bleed Attack, Mortal Strike
>Halberd: Whirlwind Attack, Conclusion Blow
>Hatched: Armor Ignore , Disarm
>Large Battle Axe: Whirlwind Attack, Bleed Attack
>Long Sword: Armor Ignore, Conclusion Blow
>Pick Axe: Double Strike, Disarm
>Scimitar: Double Stike, Para Blow
>Scynth: Bleed Attack, Para Blow
>Skinning Knife: Shadow Strike, Disarm
>Two Handed Axe: Double Strike, Shadow Strike
>Viking Sword: Crushing Blow, Para Blow
>Kryss: Armor Ignore, Infectious Strike
>Katana: Double Strike, Armor Ignore
>Long Spear: Armor Ignore, Paralyzing Blow
>Short Spear: Shadowstrike, Mortal Strike
>Dagger: Infectious Strike, Secondary Shadowstrike
>Black staff: whirlwind, para blow
>Club: shadow strike, dismount
>Gnarled staff: concussion blow, para blow
>hammer pick: armour ignore, mortal strike
>mace: concussion blow, disarm
>wand: dismount, disarm
>Maul: crushing blow, cuncussion blow
>Quarterstaff: double strike, concussion blow
>scepter: crushing blow, mortal strike
>Shepherd's Crook: crushing blow, disarm
>Smith's hammer: crushing blow, shadowstrike
>War Axe: armour ignore, bleed attack
>War hammer: whirlwind attack, crushing blow
>War mace: Primary crushing blow, Secondary-bleed
>Bladed Staff: Armor Ignore, Dismount
>Scythe: Bleed Attack, Paralyzing Blow
>Lance: Concussion Blow, Dismount
>Cresent Blade: Double Strike, Mortal Strike
>Double Bladed Staff: Double Strike, Infecting
>Bone Harvester: Mortal Strike, Paralyzing Blow
>Pike: Infecting, Paralyzing Blow
>War Fork: Bleed attack, Disarm
>What skill the new weapons take and what damage they
>Bladded Staff - Swords Damage 13-15
>Bone Harvester - Swords Damamge 12-14
>Composite Bow - Archery Damage 15-17
>Crecent Blade - Swords Damage 10-12
>Double Bladded Staff - Fencing Damage 10-12
>Lance - Fenceing Damage 17-19
>Pike Fencing - Damage 14-16
>Repeating Crossbow - archery damamge 10-12
>Scepter - macefighting -Damage 14-16
>Scyenth - swords Damage 17-19
>Chivalry spell costs:
>Cleanse bye Fire: 10 Tithe 5 mana
>Close Wounds: 10 Tithe 5 Mana
>Consecrate Weapon: 10 Tithe 10 Mana
>Dispel Evil: 10 Tithe 15 Mana
>Divine Fury: 10 Tithe 10 Mana
>Enemy of One: 10 Tithe 20 mana
>Holy Light: 10 Tithe 15 Mana
>Noble Sacrifice: 30 Tithe 20 Mana
>Remove Curse: 10 Tithe 20 Mana
>Sacred Journey: 20 Tithe 20 Mana
>Special move mana costs(swords+macing+fencing+archery+
>parrying determine how much mana special moves take):
>0-199/100% (full mana cost)
>200-299/50% lower mana cost
>300-399/67%% lower mana cost
>400+ /84% lower mana cost
>Base mana cost for special moves:
>Moving shot = 18
>Armour Ignore = 36
>Dismount = 18
>Mortal Strike = 36
>Shadowstrike = 24
>Infectious Strike = 36
>Para blow = 36
>Double Strike = 36
>Bleed attack = 36
>Whirlwind Attack = 24
>Disarm = 18
>Crushing blow = 36
>Cuncussion blow = 30
>Fencing weapons..
>Long Spear: Armor Ignore, Paralyzing
>Short Spear: Mortal Strike, Shadow Strike
>War Fork: Bleed attack, Disarm,
>Kryss: Armor Ignore, Infecting,
>Dagger: Infecting, Shadow Strike
>Pitchfork: Bleed Attack, Dismount
>Pike: Infecting, Paralyzing Blow
>Lance: Concussion Blow, Dismount
>Double Bladed Staff: Double Strike, Infecting
>Long Sword: Armor Ignore, Concussion Blow
>Broadsword: Armor Ignore, Crushing Blow
>Viking Sword: Crushing Blow, Paralyzing Blow
>Katana: Armor Ignore, Double Strike.
>Cleaver: Bleed Attack, Infecting
>Cutlass: Bleed Attack, Shadow Strike
>Birdache: Dismount, Paralyzing Blow
>Halberd: Concussion Blow, Whirlwind Attack
>Scimitar: Double Strike, Paralyzing Blow
>Skinning Knife: Disarm, Shadow Strike
>Butchers Knife: Disarm, Infecting
>Bladed Staff: Armor Ignore, Dismount
>Bone Harvester: Mortal Strike, Paralyzing Blow
>Scythe: Bleed Attack, Paralyzing Blow
>Cresent Blade: Double Strike, Mortal Strike
>Hatchet: Armour Ignore, Disarm
>Large Battle Axe: Bleed attack, Whirlwind Attack
>Battle Axe: Bleed attack, Concussion Blow
>Executioner's Axe: Bleed attack , Mortal Strike
>Axe: Crushing Blow, Dismount
>Battle Axe: Bleed Attack, Concussion Blow
>Double Axe: Double Strike, Whirlwind Attack
>2 Handed Axe: Double Strike, Shadow Strike
>Hammer Pick: Armor Ignore, Mortal Strike
>War Axe: Armor Ignore, Bleed Attack
>War Mace: Bleed Attack, Crushing Blow
>Maul: Concussion Blow, Crushing Blow
>Mace: Concussion Blow, Disarm
>Gnarled Staff: Concussion Blow, Paralyzing Blow
>Quarter Staff: Concussion Blow, Double Strike
>Black Staff: Paralyzing Blow, Whirlwind Attack
>War Hammer: Crushing Blow, Whirlwind attack
>Club: Dismount, Shadow Strike
>Smiths Hammer: Crushing Blow, Shadow Strike
>Sledge Hammer: Crushing Blow, Shadow Strike
>Pickaxe: Disarm, Double Strike
>Shepherds Crook: Crushing Blow, Disarm
>Wand: Disarm, Dismount
>Scepter: Crushing Blow, Mortal Strike
>Crossbow: Concussion Blow, Mortal Strike
>Heavy Crossbow: Dismount, Moving Shot
>Repeating Crossbow: Double Strike, Moving Shot
>Bow: Mortal Strike, Paralyzing Blow
>Composite Bow: Armor Ignore, Moving Shot
>Bare Hands: Disarm, Paralyzing Blow

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