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Date Posted: 15:11:41 10/24/02 Thu
Author: ariel
Subject: Re: thorns
In reply to: Linn 's message, "Re: thorns" on 23:14:43 10/23/02 Wed

>I wouldn't mind buying a seed off you once you get a
>few stocked up
i'm not selling seeds at the moment cause i planted them. i was hoping to sell thorns cause i am broke now. i don't make the chat when i am on cause if i get seen in town i get people coming in and saying mean things so i only come in if i know someone else is on. i have been using my gold for training and i can't make any on my own cause i get killed and i don't know how everyone else gets rich. i will try to sell at bank cause i need to make some money soon. i tried to go to shame but i got killed and i made a cartography person but she isn't making money just costing me money for scrolls and when i sell the maps i get less back. if i get more seeds i might sell them but then i might as well just throw the thorns away cause there wont be anyone who will buy them. i dont know many people like all you others do and i am scared when people talk to me cause i got tricked before. i think i am just bad at the game and i dont have anyone to help me set things right. i like playing but i never pass go and never collect 200 dollars.

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