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Date Posted: 8/06/10 8:27:50pm
Author: Luke (Strong)
Subject: Re: The one site which scares the JA is at risk
In reply to: Peter Eveleigh 's message, "The one site which scares the JA is at risk" on 8/06/10 7:52:00pm

I agree peter and am totally behind john Everett, and support him in all that he does, no quible.

Personal message to john Everett, your facebook page helped me and helps others, please don't shut it down, make it bigger.

If the ja are bullying people on there, it says they are worried, so don't give up, take the momentum john Everett, and carry on, their attitude says it's worth it.

Whilst people are messing about on here, another Gardner case could develop, he's someone who should never have been near the ja or theor young and vulnerable.

Lets get our shit together and start sorting he ja out.

The major factor that has meant that this site now has
>no credibility at all is that nobody here has post in
>their own name, and most choose not only anonymity,
>but obscure things by impersonating others.
>What is superb about John's site is that in order to
>take part, people must stand up and be counted.
>The unfortunate consequence of this is that some, John
>fears, are being bullied by the JA (or fear that they
>might be bullied) because they are part of a VISIBLE
>opposition to the JA, just as he personally got
>bullied for being open and visible, recently.
>I think it will be a tragedy if John does close his
>Whereas, I think it would be totally inconsequential
>if this (Jesus Army Watch) site closed down. This is
>no reflection on the resource that Mike has made
>available to us and kept available all these years.
>But a combination of it having been frequently
>hijacked and used to promote other purposes and having
>been frequently used for the sort of rubbish that it
>is awash with now, makes it nothing but a joke.
>The JA have nothing at all to fear from JAW, so it is
>sad that the one site which DOES scare them enough to
>start picking on people is now at risk.
>If people are serious about speaking out about the JA,
>they should stop arsing about here, hiding behind
>silly aliases, and join John's group, stand up and be

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