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Date Posted: 10/06/10 11:06:00am
Author: Anon
Subject: Re: Slag
In reply to: Barbara 's message, "Re: Slag" on 10/06/10 10:44:32am

I am a Christian and have never lost it with you, I'm saying that you are trying to say that the abuse you have recieved on here is persecution because of Jesus whenit isn't you bring it on yourself and it has nothing to do with Jesus.

If you try and claim that it is then you are saying that everyone who is abused or ridiculed is sharing in Christs suffering which is not true, Jesus said that if you are persecuted for my sake,

I don't like your way of preaching as it is the same as the JA's and the fact that you assume that I'm not born again is judgement.

Jesus spent most of his time away from those seen as believers in his day preferring to spend his time with those whom the religeous cast aside as unbelievers and his warnings all were for those who proffessed belief and not to those who needed him most.

Take a look at your postings over the past few weeks and see how you have alienated yourself from most people on here including those who stood up for you.

I want to see you happy but you're not helping yourself.

Posting links to YouTube videos doesn't support you or help show people Gods love, the bible says that perfect love casts out all fear, God is perfect love and He doesn't try to scare people into believing so why do you feel the need to do this?

>Well, don't say no-one didn't warn you. The Lord Jesus
>is coming back soon. Everyone will have to come before
>him to be judged, and everything we ever did in our
>lives will be held up for scrutiny. Can't you
>understand that?
>It won't be any use of you whining and making feeble
>You know you are well out of order, you know it
>yourself. You've got a bad heart, and you don't like
>people like me pointing it out to you.
>I didn't come onto this site to attack anyone, I came
>here because I was a victim of spiritual abuse, and
>also child abuse, as child abuse victims often fall
>prey to even more abuse and bullying. I thought that
>if I forgave the JA and reached out to them, they
>might join me in praying for the new generation of
>children who are at this moment being systematically
>abused in the secret family courts. I just thought
>that all the pain I have endured might be channelled
>in a positive way, and perhaps help a lot of people.
>But since I started posting on this site, I have been
>viciously attacked and slandered like there is no
>tommorow. I've been met by a wall of ridicule and
>hatred. I've even been told to fuck off and die!
>Jesus said that sort of thing would happen in the last
>days. Even worse things are happening right now all
>over the planet, the persecution of christians. These
>are the last days. >href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oySB4uw4n18&featur

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