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Date Posted: 11/06/10 3:43:37pm
Author: Luke (Sorrow)
Subject: I agree nelly
In reply to: nellyp 's message, "Re: Peter and all his little head friends" on 10/06/10 12:21:46pm

I remember an event such as a bacon sandwich bringing joy to some sisters, it's not right for women to be kept like that, the ja has a lot to answer for there, it would be near impossible for a sister to leave I would think.

There is much potential for abuse there as well, as the sisters have no contacts in some cases with outside world.

Brings me back to my other post on Christmas, life is so boring in the ja, that when you go on events like wembley or praise day, you go berserk with the music and lights etc, like children out at play.

For some it's what they want, for others it's too much, as I said before after the ja, going to war was easy, relieves the boredom.

Some stuff was good about the ja, shame some elders have messed it up, and others spiritually abused us, I will never forgive them that, and I intend on being a thorn in their side for as long as I live.

Hopefully there will be no more children abused, their abuse should be on the conscience of all ja leaders forever

>That is so true about sisters in community.
>also how small peoples worlds are. stupid little
>things take on enormous significance because people
>have so little going on in their lives.
>>It was their only link to the outside world taken
>>away, some
>>sisters never really left the house, so they were then
>>truly prisoners, with no news of outside world.
>>>The Times - it always used to be the Telegraph but I
>>>suppose the Times is cheaper.
>>>people crying because their paper is
>>>cancelled....sounds like the ja....madness.
>>>>That's the fella, I didn't like him, creepy I found,
>>>>but didn't know him long term, there were some
>>>>people in his house, and some
>>>>real nasty people, I remember when he stopped having
>>>>the times delivered, just suddenly with no
>>>>because he thought it was too worldly, something
>>>>lady gaga, people
>>>>were really upset, some cried.
>>>>This was last November, same old ja, never changes,
>>>>they used to have log fire one night, be warm and
>>>>cozy, next day freezing cold, weirdos.
>>>>>I think you are talking about Wim - he is alright
>>>>>really, just devoid of social skills as is the
>>>>>dutch way...... I could tell you some stories
>>>>>>It's best you go barbara, find a forum to discuss
>>>>>>issues, This is ja business only on here, now
>>>>>>anyone know wyn at weedon?
>>>>>>I really hate that Dutch freak, wanker never even
>>>>>>spoke to people, twat and he seemed a bit high
>>>>>>got loads of stories, but will relate these
>>>>>>>yeah go on then, get fucked Babs
>>>>>>>>Piss off then madwoman
>>>>>>>>>Everyone else seems to have buggered off apart
>>>>>>>>>Peter, so I think I might as well leave him and
>>>>>>>>>his imaginary friends to it.

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