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Date Posted: 11/06/10 6:06:49pm
Author: Luke (Agree)
Subject: Re: Birthday
In reply to: the artist formerly known as anon. 's message, "Re: Birthday" on 11/06/10 5:42:56pm

Yes I agree, after years of it, coupled with the shit christmas, constant boredom, with the occasional frenzy of a praise day gets wearing, the years end up merging into one, and you forget your real self, life in cummunity can be a kind of limbo, waiting for the next event, made worse by no access to radio or tv, and now it seems limited access to newspapers. And thinking about it, I never did see many fiction books, but plenty of books written by the ja.

No wonder people end up brainwashed, you only speak to others in the ja, only read their literature, your led by ja, fed by ja, you end up being one of them if your not careful, that is the real truth behind the happy clappy stuff, a dark underbelly.

Army life suited me after the ja, as it was much the same, just with more fitness.

>Glad you found it funny pal, trouble is, it was real
>for me for fucking years and when your stuck in it for
>the long haul its' shite
>>>Birthday ministry times...... what a load of shite. I
>>>remember being perpetually disappointed by mine.
>>>everyone sits in a circle and comes out with the most
>>>spiritual sounding stuff they can think of and you
>>>just sit there hoping to hear from god, but they just
>>>waffle on then sing "for you are our glory and
>>>joy....." then you go and wash a thousand pans then
>>>take a smelly person home. Fucking brilliant
>>sorry mate, but that one made me laugh more than any
>>other posting on the JA that I can remember
>>(so sad and so true)
>>"then take a smelly person home. Fucking brilliant"
>>very funny!

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