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Date Posted: 12/06/10 7:46:12am
Author: the artist formerly known as anon.
Subject: Re: Food and poverty
In reply to: Luke 's message, "Re: Food and poverty" on 12/06/10 6:41:50am

I'm sorry but this is a load of nonsense. No food in the house at all? really? I think not. JA houses are still loaded to the seams with food. The food order may have been late - true and people may have been worried about it (I remember forgetting to pick our food order up for 3 days lol!) Usually when they talk about being short of cash its' about trying to get non residents to give etc... there is no real cash shortage - trust me

>Interesting, the way the ja has changed over the years
>Recently the food delivery was late, from central
>stores, there was real panic, as there was no food in
>the house at all, and there was worry that the food
>not come, and a lot of heavy reference to being short
>of cash.
>How much of it was an act I don't know, but certainly
>made me think, houses very shabby now, and cold in
>I wonder if with Noel
>gone, the likes of mick punish houses for
>not doing well enough by withdrawing food and heat?
>With Stanton gone, anything is possible.
>I have said it before, a few episodes like that, a few
>leadership challenges, and the ja will implode.
>Final comment, don't trust the cult information
>centre, they leak info back to the ja, and I have
>proof, to
>>I really have to disagree. I never experienced
>>grinding poverty in community. I think I had it easy.
>>For three years someone else (sisters) did all the
>>laundry, all the cooking, etc and despite being
>>unemployed a lot of the time, all my immediate needs
>>were met and I had no debt.
>>Yes, maybe some people would have been better off
>>without community, but an awful lot of people,
>>possibly a majority (especially these days when they
>>target less well off, working class people) would
>>probably be worse off (not emotionally and
>>spiritually, but certainly economically).
>>Sure, we didn't have TV etc and clothes were simple
>>and furniture second hand, but even now I am not sure
>>that matters much.
>>I also have to say that when I was there, the food
>>could be monotonous, sure, but it was nutritious and
>>there was lots of it.

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