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Date Posted: 12/06/10 4:43:55pm
Author: Luke
Subject: Re: the JA makes debtors of its poorer members
In reply to: Peter Eveleigh 's message, "the JA makes debtors of its poorer members" on 12/06/10 4:07:18pm

That's awful, if I had been that young man, I'd have not given a forwarding address, and refused to pay, there was nothing in writing after all.

Your right about the rent issue, now about 85 quid weekly, bit if you have twenty in a house, that's a lot of dosh, I wonder why they are targetting more working people, maybe so that they have more people likely to follow and obey, kind of like a big sinister plan working out.

People who leave are obviously targetted badly, and made to pay, I can't see where the financial crisis is, working out the figures, so I was lied to, the ja are probably doing ok, just not making the thousands extra they used to for Noel to squirrell away for Jesus centre etc, which by the way cost loads and I think only breaks even.

They were renting out Jesus centre rooms, and sometimes the whole centre to councils and local business, and childrens groups, not no more, I pointed out to local authorities that a convicted paedophile had been working with children, and that the ja had not carried out checks, or had known paedophiles working for them, this may also affect the homeless centre, as it's working with the vulnerable, time for the ja to dip into the millons they have stashed away.

Email sent peter, as I have a question about a specific person who may have left the ja, and it's not right to not respect a persons privacy.

>I agree with your take on their recent financial
>crises. In my day people put in ALL their income and
>there was no calculation of what anyone shoud expect
>to contibute - there was basic equality - everyone
>gave everything and got all their basic needs met.
>These days, however, perhaps mainly because lots of
>members are claimants, there is a set amount that
>everyone is expected to pay (rent, in effect). Where
>this totally undermines the original ethos is that
>those whose "everything" does not cover the rent end
>up owing the community. A debt builds up which you may
>not be nagged about.....but woe betide you if you
>A young chap who asked asked me for help in leaving,
>and who came to live with me while he found his feet,
>not only wasn't helped financially, but was sent a
>bill for a couple of grand of arrears, with a
>scribbled note to pay up without delay.
>He had been under the impression (having received
>several reassurances not to worry about it) that as
>long as he gave everything he could, it was cool. I
>emnded up not charging him anything to live with me
>for three months because it was the only way he could
>afford to pay the JA back for time spent with him.
>One further thing that galls me about this is that the
>House Elder had closed down his own business as a
>mechanic and started doing church activities full
>time, and he was, in effect, subsidised by members of
>his household, my young friend included, who continued
>to work "in the world".

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