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Date Posted: 12/06/10 10:17:50pm
Author: Luke
Subject: Ja in meltdown

to discuss, with the ja claiming cash shortages, no proven though, but it seems members now just pay rent, and the ja doesn't get all your worldly goods, with the ja losing the m and s food in Coventry, and with no income from renting out Jesus centres, deep recession, lack of trade for business, recent bad press, and even more to come.

The death of Stanton, crazed leaders taking over, ie haines, who sen the rank and file ja groaned about when they heard, the ja seems in meltdown.

In some quarters, and on he ja blues facebook site there is that article about bombs and guns, you don't just invent that surely.

Do you think he ja has begun to implode, and is it possible we could see another Waco, or mass killing, maybe using kitchen knives, and farm tools? Is it possible someone will lose it over the stress of it and kill lots of people, then hold hostages at the farm, it could happen, there are cases of scizophrenics going off their medication and claiming Jesus makes them ok, so it's possible, and all this voices from god.

If I went to the police and claimed I had messages from the devil I would be locked up, bit not if you claim messages from god!?!

Is another Waco at the ja possible?

Are they in meltdown?
Now Stanton has gone, is it only a matter of time, where is the ja millions, they make a lot of profit, where did it go, the figures spent on charity don't stack up, there's millions somewhere.

There are many suspicious deaths in the ja, many documented on this site in the archives section, are they likely to kill again to protect their secrets.

I would like to hear your comments.

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