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Date Posted: 13/06/10 9:25:41pm
Author: Luke
Subject: Re: M&S feeds poor, not the JA
In reply to: Luke 's message, "Re: M&S feeds poor, not the JA" on 13/06/10 6:45:11pm

Let's look at it this way, £2000 a week for three years, it makes £150 k of food, say half made it's way to the homeless, that makes £75k the ja has taken in food not given to the real homeless.

Let's hope Mick haines makes a healthy donation soonest to shelter, a genuine homeless charity.

a>There you go, the ja were feeding people in community
>on food given them by m and s for distribution to the
>In my mind and my opinion this is theft, no different,
>it's a deception, as the ja obtained those goods to
>give to homeless, and then fed their own people, it
>goes back to my other posts re money, and the lack of.
>Obviously the people eating the food, the members are
>not to blame, as they trusted their leaders that he
>food provided, that was paid for by rent was all good.
>The blame ultimately lies with the elders of the ja,
>but no doubt he ja will say lessons have been learnt,
>admit a mistake, but not change.
>I feel the ja to at least try and make amends should
>make a healthy donation to a homeless charity, as the
>ja have been taking this food for a long time, I
>wonder if they will.....
>Good on m and s for stopping giving, and I think you
>will find a mobile soup kitchen in Coventry now
>feeding the homeless with donated food from m and s.
>Hope the reporter originally filing the story gets to
>read this thread and follows up on the article.
>>>No the food doesn't go on sale in the cafe but it
>>>find its way into lots of style 3 bellies and when I
>>>was in community we used to get sacks of stuff
>>>back to community houses!
>>This is true. When I was in a community house I ate
>>lots of M and S food. I thought it was a bit
>>>>I wouldnt be surprised if some of the food was
>>>>it's way on sale in the cafe at the Jesus centre,
>>>>why does a place that's selling food for profit
>>>>free food, surely they are feeding the homeless from
>>>>profits and leftovers etc.
>>>>Well, m and s obviously wised up, someone should
>>>>contact the person who wrote the article and tell
>>>>the real truth, a few phone calls to
>>>>Coventry on Monday then
>>>>>Well, actually I think youd find that M&S have been
>>>>>feeding the poor AND the JA lol
>>>>>>It seems to me that if the JA say that they won't
>>>>>>able to feed the poor without the M&S food, it is
>>>>>>who have been feeding the poor, not the JA.

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