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Date Posted: 15/06/10 12:33:27pm
Author: Luke
Subject: Re: My biggest problem
In reply to: Barbara 's message, "Re: My biggest problem" on 15/06/10 12:18:04pm

Thanks Barbara, let me know how you get on, and make sure
someone knows where you are going and what time to expect you back etc.

Yes the ja are thieves, let's hope m and s realise this and never donate to this cult again.

You are right, if they were truly blessed, they wouldn't need to complain of being skint.

Makes a mockery of it all.

Taking the initiative is good Barbara, we need to keep asking hard questions of the ja, and keep going, and not accept their standard response which is, yes mistakes have been made, and lessons learnt.

M and s thought they were helping the homeless, and in fact were feeding a dangerous cult, let's hope this doesn't affect all donations to homeless centres by that fine company.

The ja targetted a good British institution, that provides jobs and oppurtunities country wide, then activated bad publicity on m and s when the gravy train stopped.

M and s are another victim of the ja, as are all customers and staff of the store where this took place.

Barbara, you go and be proactive, let's keep this up, and try and stop more victims being created.

My bet is they call the police and refuse to talk to you, but you have this forum to refer the police to.

>I agree. If the JA really wewre interested in
>following Jesus they would be really glad that the
>people who left them still continued to keep their
>faith in Jesus Christ.
>They are proud, arrogant, rude and unloving. Now since
>I read yesterdays posts about the M and S food I see
>that they are also thieves, but not like Robin Hood,
>they are the reverse of Robin Hood for stealing bits
>of bread from the poor. What I read on this blog
>yesterday made me feel really angry.
>I am going to go round to their mission and ask the
>elders that I meet there:
>1) Why have they stooped so low as to filch food from
>the poorest people in this country
>2) Why they pretend to be skint when God has blessed
>them - that is a direct insult to God
>3) Why Mick Hayes ignored all the stuff I showed him
>regarding institutional child abuse.
>I will let you know how I get on.

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