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You walk into a land. Again you hear a distance beautiful noice. A whisper once again reaches you ears, but it is softer and more femmine, "Hello. I am Olympus, Zodica's mate, and Queen of the lands. My symbol is a white dove. As my mate's is a scorpion. Every time you see the white dove it is praise, peace, or when I am approaching Zodiac, as respect. But remember if I have to show my own mate respect, think what respect you will have too show him." The sound of the faint whistle leaves, but you soon hear a deeper voice, "I see my mate has told you most of what you need to too know, but I still must say something. As she said we can morph into anything, but I cannot turn into a dove, nor can my mate turn into a scorpion. When you see a scorpion though, it is a sign of warning of death except to Olympus's eyes." The whistle leaves and your left alone until you approach them again...

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