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Date Posted: 17:18:52 12/11/02 Wed
Author: fresne
Subject: Cool and Thanks!
In reply to: WW ;o) 's message, "Fresne, you write like really fine, mellow jazz." on 13:52:06 12/11/02 Wed

Thank you.

Briefly I ponder if I’m jazz, am I improvisational?

Although, I must admit at the moment, after eight hours of meetings, I’m feeling a bit like Loopy the Skip Drunk Technical Writer. Weee…I really, don’t want to write any of that up before tomorrow’s round of meetings.

In fact, I (and my housemate) do have a website, lifeamgood.com. It’s like a blog, only we only do it once a month. And it’s almost entirely upbeat articles about things to do in the San Francisco Bay Area. And reviews of books and movies and wine and events.

We’re the number one hit on Google for Stendahl’s Syndrome. I think because we refer to it so much. And you know, there’s so much competition for all the other Syndromes.

Although, it’s an odd thing. It hadn’t really occurred to me to steal from the Board copy that I write to feed the rapacious maw of our site. Well, until this last month.

The general lack traffic of the Firefly board both makes me feel like I have a moral obligation to start threads (not really a problem on ATPOBtVS&AtS, which tends in the opposite eiyee, how can I keep up direction) and actually gives me the space I need for my style of posting. It takes me a long time to wendingly coalesce into post. Well, except for right now. Right now I’m giddy on not in a meeting life.

So, yeah, I’ve decided to start stealing some of the longer, less referential posts for the website. I’m still puzzling over how I want to do it. Button on the side bar. Occasional features (which are the hardest critters to fill each month). It’s one of those, so we have two years of text, what kind of minimal site improvements should I make.

However, thank you for the incredible complement. Gives me something else to be gidda-licious about.

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