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Date Posted: 00:17:44 12/21/02 Sat
Author: agent156
Subject: Serenity (Spoilers for Serenity and cut scene from it)
In reply to: Darby 's message, "I was absolutely, totally wrong, and so was Fox (Serenity spoilers)" on 19:15:31 12/20/02 Fri

I think the aired ep of the pilot was really good. While I agree that it did have plenty of action, most of the action came in the beginning war scene which was not in the leaked version of the pilot. I assume of course that Joss showed Fox tonight's version too, so that's not really why I bring it up. The fact that it's there now means they had to cut some things to fit it in. The only scene I can think of that they cut was a really good one that I wish they hadn't since I feel it gives some good insight into some of the characters. So, since I really like the scene and it provides that insight, I typed it up. Sorry if there are any typos or such.

The scene takes place after Simon has finished operating on Kaylee. Book walks into the operating room.

Book: How is she?
Simon: Touch and go.
Book: I might pray over her if you don't mind.
Simon: Of course.
Book: She's a special girl. We kinda got to be friendly right away.
Simon: That's a talent I seem to lack.
Book: If I can ask, what made you pick this ship?
Simon: It looked disreputable.
Book: Well, you're not without critical judgement. You didn't happen to look at the name, I suppose?
Simon: What? Serenity, right? That's a joke.
Book: I believe it's not.
Simon: (Says something in Chinese with a confused look on his face, so I figure it's something along the lines of) What?
Book: I'm gonna get the lay of the land here. Might be what you lack isn't pyschological insight. Might be it's history.

Then we see Simon back at his quarters holding a device and looking up Serenity.
The device says out loud: In the war to unite the planets, the battle of Serenity was among the most devastating and decisive. Located on Hera, the valley was considered a key position by both sides and was bitterly fought over. The indepent faction, with 16 brigades and 20 air tanks squads, held the valley for almost 2 months until...

Zoe walks in and interrupts.

Zoe: What does it say under blood bath?
Simon: Stop (to the device). I was just trying....
Zoe: We're not in there. The book I mean. We're not generals or diplomats. We didn't turn the tide of glory's history or whatever that thing's supposed to spew.
Simon: Well you know what they say, history is programmed by the winners.
Zoe: Nearly half a million people laid dead on that field at days end, about a third of them winners.
Simon: Mal was there with you.
Zoe: He was my sergeant. Commanded 30 odd grunts. (Sigh) Five days in, there was so many officers dead, he commanded 2,000. Kept us together, kept us fighting, kept us sane. By the time the fighting was over, he had maybe 400 still intact.
Simon: That's a hell of a
Zoe: (Cutting him off) I said the fighting was over. But you see, they left us there. Wounded and sick and near to mad as can still walk and talk. Both sides left us there...while they negotiated the peace...for a week...and we kept dying. Mercy, forgiveness, trust...those are things he left back there. What he has now is the ship. The ship and us on it.
Simon: If that battle was so horrible, why'd he name the ship after it?
Zoe: Once you've been in Serenity, you never leave. You just learn to live there.

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