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Date Posted: 23:52:36 12/21/02 Sat
Author: Rufus
Subject: "Serenity"
In reply to: Rufus 's message, "You think the last rant was X rated I'll be interested to the reaction to Tim Minear....." on 23:44:06 12/21/02 Sat

I was out last night and had to wait to watch the tape of the last Fox aired episode of Firefly. It was the wee hours and I had a remote that could fast forward past any annoying commercial, I was ready to go. What I saw what the basis for a wonderful series that if it had aired in it's rightful place, people would have understood the show better. CW has already made a more full comment on the episode as a whole so I'll just start with a quote......

Shepherd (or Book) is looking over ships at the dock, trying to find the one he will buy passage on. He goes by the Serentiy where Kaylee is sitting out front with a parasol in her hands watching the man searching....

Kaylee: You're going to come with us.

Shepherd: Excuse me?

Kaylee: You like ships. You don't seem to be looking at the destinations. What you care about is the ships. And mines the nicest.

Shepherd: She don't look like much.

Kaylee: Well, she'll fool ya. Ever sail in a Firefly?

Shepherd: Long before you were crawling. Not and aught three though. Didn't have the extenders, tends to shake.

Kaylee: So, ah.....how come you don't care where you're going?

Shepherd: Because how you get there is the worthier part.

I think the words out of Sheperd reflect the writers of this series better than any promotional ad that Fox could have worked out. The mistake they made with this show is assuming the audience would complain of slack-jawed ignorants, who would only tune in to see battles. We are the audience and a literate one, we know a bit about destinations. I'm holding out some hope that a more intelligent network who will work with a writer instead of assumtions can be found to give us what we want. Fox simply has proved that for Firefly to continue it's journey, they aren't a worthy network to do that on.

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