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Date Posted: 08:02:02 12/22/02 Sun
Author: CW
Subject: Yeah I'm being picky
In reply to: Finn Mac Cool 's message, "Well, Serenity isn't really a "boat", but Mal calls it that anyway." on 22:26:10 12/21/02 Sat

But, when I reread the sci-fi I've written and come across something like that, I ask myself 'Would they really say that hundreds of years from now?' If it's something I'd feel the need to change in my own writing, it's something I gripe about here.

Re: the word boat. As I mentioned in the notes, Firefly uses a lot of nautical terminology. Most sci-fi does, (witness the word spaceship). So as long as you are making nautical references all the time it's okay to use more jargon in the same vein. You could make the same case for aircraft terminology being used in space, and I think that's what your post is doing, but at least now that isn't done much in real life. I mentioned Joss not using the word galley, and it isn't important that he doesn't. But, it's something the other writers on a series should be aware of so they aren't constantly stepping on each others conventions.

The term that drives me nuts for space travel is 'flying.' I never gripe when others write 'space flight,' because as much as I hate to use it myself (because of its 'in atmosphere' connotations) I don't have any good replacement for it. What I normally use is 'cruise' which is again ship terminology, but I'm not really happy with it. Walking, running or driving, we do on the ground. Riding works just about anywhere. Sailing, cruising, and, in certain contexts, steaming, we do on or in the sea. In the air we have flying and sea-terms like cruising. We don't have a good set of words for space travel yet. But, don't be surprised if somebody writing sci-fi, comes up with them eventually.

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