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Date Posted: 08:06:10 12/22/02 Sun
Author: Finn Mac Cool
Subject: Firefly - Doomed From Day One

Why has FOX's treatment of Firefly been so shabby? Here's my theory: they never thought it would stand a chance.

I think that, very early on, long before the first episode aired, FOX was convinced that Firefly would be a dud. I'm not sure why. Maybe their statistical people turned up some new figures that said Firefly wouldn't get people watching. For whatever reason, FOX saw themselves as having signed up a bunch of people demanding a lot of money, all to make a show they had no hopes of ever succeeding.

So, what do they do? Damage control. They don't let the two hour pilot air because they didn't want to give two thirds of prime time on that night to a doomed show. Thus we got "The Train Job". Why is there little to no advertising for it? Because why waste advertising space when it won't do any good? Why did they rearrange the episode order? Because they thought that Whedon and Minear had created a sinking ship, and any change they made to it couldn't hurt it anymore than it already was, and just might squeeze out a little more profit before the inevitable.

Many people have commented that it seems like FOX didn't want Firefly to succeed. I don't think that's quite it. They went in with a heavily pessimistic attitude, and were probably thinking "how much longer do we have to keep giving these people money before they accept the inevitable?" If the network executives think a show is doomed from day one, there is little hope for it.

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