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Subject: Tickets please

sins4u sins4me
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Date Posted: 09:00:07 10/01/04 Fri

Stood at the platform , yes I did ,
where rustic leaves caressed my feet ,
they swirled in anticipation
pointing maelstrom
sessions at me.
Yesterdays news hugged soddenly ,
whilst the gutter drank it's blood ,
blank expressions caged their faces ,
as for you and I ,
good God!
A free ride back to whence I came
to try to save my life,
this train of thought
threw out a line ,
I was hooked.
Stamped indelibly upon the tattered ticket
it said .....
'Pull Chain In Emergency Only' ,
maximum penalty
£1000 for misuse.....

No one told you the ride would be smooth !
(let me count those greenbacks)
I wasn't asked if the ride would be rough!
(here have some scooby snacks)
No one in the guardroom ,
let's plough on through the red illuminations
whilst you all grit your teeth and thump on panes ,
at the end of the line I see squirming buffers ,
perspiration pours from brows
and sleepers lie in silent wait .
The 'dead mans handle' fights my grip
and inside the nigger laughs and yells....
Wooo .....Baby yeh!Let's rock 'n' roll!

Ladies and Gentlemen ,
this is not a ghost train ,
this is not a love train ,
this is not a train of destiny....
this a train of thought.....
and you're in it.....
and we ain't never going back!

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