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Date Posted: 21:49:05 05/13/04 Thu
Author: Silent Danger
Subject: {] Forget the Dawn [}
In reply to: Shifter 's message, "-|Quick as light, Stealth as Shadows|-" on 17:58:08 05/13/04 Thu

Stag form flicked to the panther form as difficulty began to harden with the furious acts of the trees. Slipping up a tree the young pup barely realized where he was as the seemingly harassing movement ceased from his veiw point. Slidding masterfully across the limbs of the oaks, he searched for moving shadows or perhaps the rustle of a leaf. He followed the sounds for what seemed like ages till the small rustle of stag hooves faded and vanished completely. Only then did the pup know for sure his master had changed forms, and he didn't know which one.

Leaping to the ground he changed unknowingly, to what he had been thinking about. His heart hammered as the ground shot at him, in the form of a viper, a small one. His senses of movement, even the barest hint gave him a notion of where the shadow was. Blind, but able to see better than before, the pup slithered forward, following the movements so soft yet an animals movement...almost like the sound of a shadow.

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