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Date Posted: 19:47:46 05/23/04 Sun
Author: p.uck.
Subject: [. ask me no questions, I’ll still give you lies .]
In reply to: Firelight 's message, "//fire. hybrid\\" on 17:55:17 05/23/04 Sun

[. dexterity had noted her presence ere the nymph had even stepped his way. nice sight when lined up to all the darkness and glaring beasts, oh pardon...his neighbors. velveteens part in greeting, which was nothing fancy. ] salutations, madam. [. curvature flexed slightly, dipping the roman crania of the male in sentence accompaniment .] puck’s the name, though I s’pose you could call me something different. [. right hock bent and the tip of a shale talon rested precariously upon the spongent turf .] I figured someone as charming as myself might be of service to such a place. you know, boost the morale and all. [. twin zeniths swivel round back for a moment before coming to slouch at the sides. ] so if you’ll pardon me for barging in, I’d like to stay. [. whipcord flicked passively against sturdy quarters, he rendered more attention to the xanthippe in front of him rather than to the vampiric bitches on his heels .]

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