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Date Posted: 16:33:48 05/24/04 Mon
Author: Firelight
Subject: //fire. hybrid\\
In reply to: Adrian 's message, "Aren't you charming." on 23:43:27 05/23/04 Sun

She was almost suprised to see him tense, after all he should have expected that one. He wants to insult the fact she has once again seemed to lost a mate fine. Though now that she thought about it, Adrian probably didn't know about her first 'mate'. Oh well, he started this and when she fought, she fought to win.

"Oh well, all a part of the wonderful thing called life."

The next blow actually stung a little. Her lovely temper jumped to life, as she spoke with an icy edge to the steed.

"If you really think that, your stupid Adrian."

It was his own problem if he didn't see through the act she put on. She certainly didn't think she was anywhere near good enough to be where she was. But since she was here, might as well work with what was dished out. She scowled, dismissing that to catch the next words leaving his mouth.

"I know the Lights have an Army starting. Not to worried about it at this point."

Strange switching from the barbs being tossed back and forth to this coversation. She rolled her shoulders, with an inquistive look in her eyes. What was he getting at, he wuold know that she would know about the Army. What else was there.

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