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Date Posted: 15:48:44 05/26/04 Wed
Author: DarkAngel
Subject: Wings of Death
In reply to: Desperado's Soul 's message, "*~*Why Don't you Come To your Senses*~*" on 17:50:21 05/24/04 Mon

*Vix could feel the studs orbs upon her, she turned around for a moment, just a moment..and looked to him. auds lifted slightly, as she seemed to let a smile paint itself pon her lips. A small nod followed by a whisper,a message for his ears alone. "Desperado..We will speak again..your one to be trusted well..i will remember.."

With that she turned and continued her graceful canter into the darkness. slowing to a trot when she had come upon the darkness that was ususally only company to the queen Firelight. She came here to speak with her..though seeing the mistress was gone, she trotted out back to the evergreens, keeping her senses sharp, for any signs of trouble. Yes, she had indeed taken pride in her lands, and would not let them fall to any foolish hearts or minds..

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