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Date Posted: 14:57:17 06/08/04 Tue
Author: DarkAngel
Subject: *whispers in the dark*
In reply to: Desperado's Soul 's message, "*~*Why Don't You Come To Your Senses*~*" on 13:10:01 06/06/04 Sun

*Dark Angel was trotting along the borders of the evergreens scanning the darkness for any signs of bad company. she had a grace to her step one that was energetic though elegant all the same. Soft breaths came from deep within her and flowed out through her nostrils calmly..ebon locks whipped back in the wind as those icy orbs turned suddenly to one she recognized within first sight. she had been thinking about this steed for a while now and gave a quiet smile upon seeing him again. it pleased her that he was still in the dark evergreens. turning her attention away from the defense of the greens for a moment, she slowed to a walk and came up behind him auds lifting forward. "tis a pleasure to see you again m'lord..." she lowered her skull in greeting and began to nibble on the grass beside of him..though she wasnt interested in eating. orbs fixed upon him again as she gave him that smile of hers which for the first time seemed sweet...*

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